Friday, 25 November 2011

The Uninvited - Book Review

I had really high hopes for this book, and I have to say that I was disappointed - a lot.

It's about a girl named Mimi in her late teens who flees to Canada after having an affair with a creepy professor. She is going to stay at an old family cottage where she finds that another man/boy (about 22) is already living there. They find out that he's her half brother, and then a guy who lives down the road starts stalking her, and weird things happen along with stuff being stolen. 

Not only was the book written with a juvenile writing style, the characters were jealous and catty - especially the main girl character. Very irritating to read. She was constantly jealous, about everything, and she whined. And whined and whined.....

The main character is a girl in her late teens, but she sounds like she's been written by a man. The writer (pictured right) spends too much time describing her, her perfume, her make-up, what's she wearing, then trying to make the plot actually move along.

I found it predictable, not in the least gripping or scary - as it was supposed to be. The plot dragged in a lot of spots.

Anyway. I did not enjoy the book, and I wouldn't recommend it to anyone...

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